Akademische Patenschaften e.V.  Academic Fundraising
Hochschulförderung - gegen Diskriminierung in Armut für Teilhabe & Integration!

Association Board

First Chairman / Founding Chairman & Secretary:

Mr. Christian Gadde is full-time head and owner of the Duden Institute for Learning Therapy Potsdam, was a state teacher for the State of Berlin for ten years, works as a freelance lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin and the Humanistic Association of Germany (HVD Bln-Brb KdöR) in the field of educational sciences and didactics, is a systemic consultant, trainer for nonviolent communication (Rosenberg), anti-aggressiveness trainer for confrontational pedagogy (Kilb / Weidner / Gall) and in his spare time artist agent in event management

Honorary Chairman

Mr. Rouven Winkel alias Michael Rouven is a full-time teacher for the State of Berlin, a freelance singer-songwriter and imitation artist, known from numerous TV and radio appearances and winner of the special prize of the IFA Artist Prize 2009. He is the author of the artistic and pop-cultural projects of Akademische Patenschaften e.V.

Second / Deputy Chairwoman: Mrs. Yasmin Bergemann is a special education teacher for the State of Berlin

Treasurer: Mrs. Sylvia Gadde is a retired retail clerk